Joel Lemke - Owner
Growing up in a small Oregon town allowed for lots of outdoor activities. Located close to a creek running through our property to a couple a of lake within 2 miles. North Umpqua and main Umpqua 15 miles away. Lots of fishing and hunting for sure.
Started working for a small family-owned machine shop in the late 70's while in high school. During this employment I meet Glenn Struble who was plant manager at a big manufacturing plant in the area. Said machine shop produced reel seat parts for Glenn.
1981 Struble bought the building and equipment. I stayed after the sale and never imagined making reel seats for all this time. Watching the evolution of machinery was very interesting to me. Starting with manual machines then going to full blown computer run. There was never a lack for a challenge. 1993 after Glenn passed, I took on the role of designer along with overseeing production. 28 years with Struble ended when deciding to start Lemke Concepts. The drive to produce great product is always my ultimate goal. Quality function and performance.
Meeting and getting to really know the customers has been a blessing. The folks I have meet along the way has been high light of being in the fly-fishing industry.

Shane Gray - GM
In early 2024, Lemke Concepts decided to streamline operations, sell directly to customers, and make it easier on the company's sole machinist (Joel Lemke).
Shane Gray, owner of Graywolf Products and Services, was brought in as General Manager for the Lemke Concepts brand. All Lemke products will be stocked, packed, and shipped from his shop in Michigan. Shane has been in the rod-making industry since 1999, currently owns several brands, and has the capacity to house Lemke Concepts products and fulfill all orders.
We spent most of 2024 manufacturing and stocking reel seats for this new direct-to-builder website.